Common Myths About SEO

April 10, 2019

Companies may tend to invest a lot of their time and resources into SEO which in real sense is an excellent marketing strategy as it involves use of the internet to market their content via websites. However, some companies go down the wrong path unknowingly and become resentful as much has been invested into Search Engine Optimization. We always encourage business owners to do their research and learn a little bit about SEO before investing or doing it themselves.

Misleading statements and beliefs about SEO are to blame for these failures. You should be wary of the myths about SEO when developing your marketing strategy and making decisions about your website.

Here are a few common myths about SEO:

Traffic generated for SEO is free.

As an entrepreneur, you should aim at achieving SEO traffic of high value. Despite many quoting it as free, it is an investment in terms of time, technology, personnel and expertise. Mainly, you will invest in website content, marketing consultants and the website itself. These come at a cost and will impact the outcome and contributes to the success of your website in SEO.

All possible leads can be generated by SEO.

It has been narrated from time to time that putting all your eggs in one basket is unwise. So is investing your organization’s entire budget on SEO. To be able to efficiently and effectively work towards the organizational goals, lead generation by SEO need to be integrated with other marketing strategies.

Back-link Quantity has more weight that quality.

Having many back-links to your website does not mean that your lead generation is quite effective. Quality in this contexts refers the authority of the back-links. Authority for your back-links refers to the level of credibility accorded to a particular website and its content. Also under quality is the diversity level of your back links and the referring domains that you will provide.

Paid searches have an influence over Organic results.

Paid search and advertising contrary to the common belief are not connected to the organic search results. The separation is created and maintained by the various search engines e.g. Google. Most have fallen for this one and they have spent millions of dollars in an effort to generate organic results in the searches.

Your website’s rank on the search pages is directly proportional to the income.

This is NOT true. The rankings are however determined by the keywords. You get to express your intent with keywords and they determine the search volume. What’s more the experience the users get is also among the criteria for the ranking of the websites.

Content and keywords.

Despite content being one of the major factors in SEO, it is not the sole factor. It is vital that it is accompanied by other factors such as back links. What’s more some companies tend to fill in keywords in the content without any structure. The flow of the content is tampered with and traffic will reduce as the interest on your content will also decrease.

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