How Do I Promote My Business With No Money?

April 10, 2019

We get asked this question quite frequently and the answer can differ depending on who you talk to. The one thing that we will tell you is there is always going to be a cost to promoting your business. What most people forget is that time is money as well. So you could hustle and do everything on your own without outsourcing or purchasing anything. But the one thing you have to think about is what’s the value of your time in order to complete all the tasks to make it happen? Is it $15 per hour? Is $1000 per campaign? or more?

  1. Partner Giveaways – There’s no reason to go it alone. If you have built your business network, team up with other businesses or brands for larger contests with grand prizes vs. organizing in-house, one-off giveaways.
  2. Customer Referrals – There is no one that is going to share your business success than someone who loves your products or services. Some of the most profitable brands have some sort of referral program many including small incentives. A successful referral can be bolstered into your marketing strategy with a little money offer or a discount to the recipient and those doing the referring.
  3. Online Marketing Tools – There is more than just social media that you can take advantage of. If you want to know more about what you customers want, there is no problem with doing some market research in order to make sure that what you are offering is on point as well as you can get into the nitty gritty of how they prefer their marketing if you wish. Look to services such a Survey Monkey to pull you survey and results together. Email marketing is another big player in a marketing strategy that for the most part is free. MailChimp and Mailerlite are free email marketing services that allow you send messaging, manage subscribers and track your analytics.
  4. Directories – Depending on the business, ensure that you add your business to online directories such a Google My Business, Bing Business, Yelp, TripAdvisor etc. Most have an option for free listings. Many of these sites have invested in SEO and have top search engine ranking helping you move to the top.
  5. Signatures – If you do a majority of your business via email or you do a lot of email, don’t take it for granted. Get your business’s messaging in your signature. Ensure that all your contact information is up to date. Include your website in your signature. If you have a big CTA, include it too – this could be a way to book an appointment with you OR a link to a downloadable guide that will help them grow. There are many email signature builders online!
  6. Ask for Reviews – Similarly to referrals, be sure that you ask for a review. You can use these just about anywhere – social media, marketing material and more. Provide a link to directories sites such as Google or your Facebook page. You will be surprised at how many people will read reviews before doing business with you.

If you would like further ideas, feel free to read our blog called ‘Marketing Your Business on a Shoestring Budget’. Remember if you wanna chat strategy, feel free to shoot us a message via social media or through our website.

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